Inicio > Blossary: Oil Painting
Concepts, techniques and tools used in oil painting

Categoría: Arts

24 Términos

Created by: alicebratis

Número de Blosarios: 5

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Pogreza v se zgodi, ko medij paint absorbira osnovno plast barve, to strjena lava obstati zaradi preveč vpojnega ali neenakomerno uporabljajo vlaknati tla. Nastali videz je vizualno neskladju ...

Domain: Arts & crafts; Categoría: Oil painting

Утопая в происходит, когда краска среднего поглощается подстилающего слоя краски, это может быть вызвано слишком абсорбента или неравномерно применяется поглощающей земли. Полученный внешний вид ...

Domain: Arts & crafts; Categoría: Oil painting

Lightfastness is the chemical stability of the pigment under long exposure to light. Artist quality paints are often rated according to the Blue Wool Scale (U.K) or American Society for Testing and ...

Domain: Arts & crafts; Categoría: Oil painting

Sfumato, (from Italian sfumare, "to tone down" or "to evaporate like smoke"), is the fine shading that produces soft, imperceptible transitions between colours and tones. It is used most often in ...

Domain: Arts & crafts; Categoría: Oil painting

Sinking in happens when the paint medium is absorbed by the underlying layer of paint, this could be due to an too absorbent or unevenly applied absorbent ground. The resulting appearance is a ...

Domain: Arts & crafts; Categoría: Oil painting

Varnish is a final layer that can be applied over a finished painting. A varnish protects a painting from environmental dirt and dust and is removable for cleaning and conservation purposes.

Domain: Arts & crafts; Categoría: Oil painting

Turpentine (spirits) is the traditional solvent or thinner for a drying oil (such as Linseed oil) distilled from the resin from certain trees, e.g the European larch, white fir, and American longleaf ...

Domain: Arts & crafts; Categoría: Oil painting

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